Realm of Fay

Essays, Photos, & Fiction of David Alves

Books by David C Alves


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In Progress: A Collection of Short Stories and Essays

I’m preparing to publish my essays and short stories. When they’re available, I’ll let you know. Meanwhile, please FOLLOW for email updates and future announcements as well as some of work that will not appear any place but here. I promise not to assault your INBOX. With few exceptions, I only post a couple of times per quarter.


Remembering Sunsets

Here’s a poem I wrote for all those who love sunsets, Martha’s Vineyard, and Spadoni Hill–inspired by reflecting upon the occasion of Randall and Lela Spadoni’s third wedding anniversary, August 16, 2012:

“Remembering Sunsets”

Take Brisk Lane to Jettee Point Way or
Chowder Kettle Lane to Menemsha’s sunset.
Either way, your island days wash back in years later.

They slide you back to Maple Valley or Oak Bluffs.

Memory winds you around Gig Harbor until
you’re quietly seated on Spadoni Hill
smelling fat, ripe blackberries and
watching sunset ride yellow-blue waters once again.